Monday, March 30, 2020

Checking In

Hello all.  Just checking with you all to see how you are doing.  We have been social distancing for a while now.  It seems every few days there is less and less available to us and that can be stressful.  I am attaching a video of what we can do daily to gain the peace and strength we need to make it through this - Pray!  Our time spent with God daily grounds us for the day and the night.  It gives us a space to express all our emotions to God and to know God is listening and God cares.

The video will also mention that I am looking to do my daily praying online.  I am working on figuring that out so stay tuned.

Contact info:

780 806 6866 - If I don't answer a call please text or leave a message.  I tend not to answer if I do not recognize the number as being from Alberta or Saskatchewan. 

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